Thursday, November 6, 2014


So for my first post I want to talk about a quote that I saw on Pinterest and really liked. 

 "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."  {I do not know who said it.}

We are always being told to "be you." through out life and I think sometimes that it's something we are told often and get but don't always know how to put that in action. 

What do you think it means to "be you?" Stop and think about it. I'm thinking that it means to be different, unique, and not trying to be like anyone else. 

You may be thinking "but that's not cool because I'm not cool." Oh that is not true one bit. 

Stop and think about this: You go to a school where everyone dresses, acts, talks, same hair, has the same hobbies, does the same sports..etc. Does that not sound boring? Because it does to me.

We all bring different types of beautiful into the world.  Don't be afraid of being your own beautiful because you are different -- There is NOTHING wrong with different. Being different is beautiful. The world may not say it is but Heavenly Father doesn't want us to be the same. He made each one of us unique and different for a reason---we each being different elements into the world that NO ONE else can. But when you try to be someone else you're hiding that. In Matthew 5:16 it says "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." Without you being you, you can't bring your beautiful into the world so be you and bring your own beautiful into the world. 

Truth is God made you to be different not like everyone else. We need to be different. In fact I believe the world suffers with a lack of difference. Everyone is trying to be this tall, skinny, perfect hair, perfect personality, smart...etc. You don't have to be like them for God to love you. He loves you now. And always. 

So being yourself in a world that makes you think that you have to be someone else- is amazing and it is a great accomplishment. And if that means being different then different you be. Just be YOU. And don't be afraid to be different.

Don't try to be anyone but YOU. Your not pretty being her, but your absolutely gorgeous being yourself. We can always be perfecting ourselves, but we shouldn't try to be perfecting "that girl" in our body. Be perfect you, perfecting you. 

Here is one good quote about being yourself that I posted a while back. 

My challenge to you is to be yourself this week. Be different. Be-YOU-tiful. 

Love EM

Let me know how you like this by commenting below! Also if you have any ideas for the next post feel free to comment them!

1 comment:

  1. You're so incredible! Loving the blog so far! <3


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