Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Now is the time to start studying and reading your scriptures daily.
Now is the time to start learning.
Now is the time to spend more time with the people you love.
Now is the time to be that blogger. ;)
Now is the time to write a book.
Now is the time to start preparing to go to the temple.
Now is the time to get healthy....etc. etc. etc.
Now is the time to become who you were meant to be. Who Heavenly Father created you to be.

Now is the time to do what you know what you need to be doing. Not next year. Not when someone makes you do it. Not when someone says something. BUT NOW. Right now. Today. 

We do not know when our time on this Earth is up. Or when the Savior is coming. But we do know that when we stand in front of our Heavenly Father that we want to be able to tell him that we did everything we could to follow ALL his commandments. And I know that can and will be hard, but with his help we can do it. {I can do all things through Christ. ~Philippians 4:12} 

So stop and make a list. What are some things in your life that you need to change to become the person you need and want to become? Some of those may include:

•reading and studying my scriptures more. (post coming on this soon!)
•loving everybody!
•eating healthier 
•trying harder on school work 
•praying more sincerely
•preparing to be a missionary
•etc. etc. etc.
This list could go on and on. And that's okay. We all have things we could work on. 

Now take this list and choose 1 or 2 things (depending on what they are) and make a goal to try harder to do those things. Work on them for a week. Put reminders on your phone, put something in your locker, write it on your mirror- somewhere where you will see it often. 

Then after a week evaluate how you've done. Need to work on one more? Put it on next weeks list. Have you done great on the others? Fabulous. Move on to something else. Setting goals is a great way to become a better person. But remember that a goal not written done is merely a wish. (anybody know who said that?..)

Don't get discouraged if these goals are taking longer that you'd like. Some take time and that's okay. The quote says "becoming." Not being. You have to work at being better. You have to try harder everyday! Little by little. You can't do it alone so remember to pray and ask for help. I love this quote by David A. Bednar. Its such a great reminder. I loved it so much. When you get discouraged just remember this wonderful quote.
We will never be perfect. But we need to try harder each day to be better- a more Christlike person because that is our goal in this life-to grow and become better person so we can make it back to him again. {Try a little harder to be a little better. ~Gordon B. Hinckley}

Do it now. Because you never know when you'll be too late. 

Please leave a comment on how you liked this post or ideas for the next one! I LOVE getting comments!!

Love EM


  1. I am so glad I read this. You are amazing. ����✨

  2. I love your blog! 2 minor suggestions (only suggestions). I like your heading from one of my favorite primary songs. I would capitalize Son and change "there" to their. ☺

    This post made me think about something Elder Utchdorf said. (I am paraphrasing.) "When is the best time to plant a tree?" He said, "the best time is 20 years ago and the next best time is today!"


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