Thursday, November 20, 2014

Studying Your Scriptures

The scriptures are such a blessing. 

This life is a test but its an open book test. Our scriptures will guide us through this life. It is truly an amazing blessing to have because who likes an closed book test??!? But in order to receive the blessing that come with having them we have to open them- Read and study them. AND apply it to our lives. 

Reading your scriptures shouldn't a check off of a to-do list but a privilege.

So today I'm going to give you that motivation that you need to open and study them.

I think we all suffer from not studying our scriptures...but through trial-an-error we all find a method that works for us. So I want to share with my method just in case you haven't found your method.

1. Designate a time. I do it right before bed, because I do seminary in the mornings. If you set a time your more likely to do it rather than if you say "oh I will do it when I have a spare 15 minutes." 

2. Set the mood. I turn out the lights and turn on my lamp. It sorta clams you down and gets you focused.  Turn off the music. Put away any distractions-phones, other books, homework...etc. 

3. Have fun study "tools."  My study "tools" are a cute notebook and lots and lots of coloring pencils. Get your favorite colors. Get lots of them too! Designate a every color for a different thing for example if it's talking about Christ you might use red or if it's a promise use purple..etc. This really helps me and makes me what to study the scriptures more so I can use my handy-dandy study tools!

4. Say a prayer. Ask your Heavenly Father to let the Spirit be with you and to be able to learn. This simple step makes day and night difference. Try it. Test it.

5. Study. Don't just read. You know that primary song that says "Search Ponder and pray..." Do that with your scriptures. Search for hidden promises. Ponder why Nephi, Heleman, etc put that in the BOM(or Bible or D&C). Ponder how you can apply that to your life. Pray about it. Pray to know the meaning- to understand it.  Remember it doesn't matter how much you read it only matters how much YOU get out of it. 

6. Write it down. Was that what you needed today? Was that an answer to your prayers? Did that mean a lot to you? Did you learn something? Did you realize you needed to work on something better? W.r.i.t.e. I.t. D.o.w.n.   ...please...

If you really are having a hard time studying your scriptures you could try, { } method which I think would work really well: finding a person (or a couple of people) that are are also struggling, and start a text group.  Everybody tell their favorite part then you feel inclined to do it too. 

Here are some quotes about reading your scriptures:

~"Scriptures can clam and agitated soul, giving peace, hope, a restoration of confidence in ones ability to overcome the challenges of life." Richard G. Scott

I mean WOOOW! Who wouldn't want that? Come on I could have just posted this quote it would have made me read my scriptures! That's a pretty great promise by a general attorney.  

~"If you want to speak to the Lord, pray. If you want him to speak to you, read the scriptures."

I don't remember who said this or where I heard it but I think its pretty cool. And true. 


Who doesn't want the Spirit in their home or lives? 

~“Let us not treat lightly the great things we have received from the hand of the Lord! His word is one of the most valuable gifts He has given us. I urge you to recommit yourselves to a study of the scriptures. Immerse yourselves in them daily so you will have the power of the Spirit to attend you in your callings. Read them in your families and teach your children to love and treasure them” Ezra Taft Benson

Guys, please take 15 minutes each day to study the words of our prophets. You will be so blessed and you will gain a stronger testimony of the gospel. Go read. 

Take 15 minutes each day beginning with prayer and read and study the words that our loving Heavenly Father gave to us. I promise it will be beneficial. 

Love EM


  1. I feel like this was meant for me. I suck at studying my scriptures. I open them a lot and I read through them when I having a hard time, but I never have a set plan to read them. Thank you so much for this. I love you and your blog so much. ��

  2. Halee, you inspire me! Great post! I love the colored pencil idea. We are going to miss you at Thanksgiving but hope yours is wonderful!


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