Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Being Grateful

Being thankful is so important. Many of the apostles and prophets have said that being grateful is so so so important. Here is some proof:

"And in nothing doth man offend God, or against non is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments." D&C 59:21

"Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessing but, it also unlocks the doors of Heaven and helps us feel God's loves." Thomas S. Monson

I could go on and on with quotes and scriptures about how important being grateful is. (I have more quotes & scriptures about being grateful on my Instagram. And some coming soon!) 

I think all of those are pretty self explanatory... who would have thought being ungrateful could be so bad but yet when we are it brings so many blessings. 

This week we celebrate a great holiday- Thanksgiving. This day/week should be much more than the big feast, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, no school or work...etc. It should be a time where we reflect on how blessed we are, and time to show this gratitude that we have for Him. I think this is a very important holiday and I think it should be way more than the good food and company, but a time to show thanks to your loved ones, to remember all that he has done for us.

So how do we do way to show gratitude is by not complaining. And doing things with a good attitude. Trust ME. I know how hard this is. But instead of complaining that we have to do something why don't we just thank God for the opportunity we have to do that-that we CAN do it. He has given us many opportunities to show him how grateful we are to him and all he does for us.

Spend a little extra time telling him how grateful you are for all that he has given us. Spend an extra five minutes expressing gratitude to Him this week. It will be worth it I promise!

Another way to help you show gratitude is my making a gratitude journal. Write one thing a day you a grateful for. Just think how cool it will be to look back on after 100 days!

Being grateful is something that can be easily done but is often not or found too hard to do. But when we make it a habit we will be blessed for it. Even when it seems like there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for I promise you there IS something to be grateful for. 

Think about this: If you are reading this then that means you can read. That's something to be grateful for. Many people would love the opportunity to be able to read. You should be very grateful to the person or people who taught you how to read!

If your your reading this than you have access to the internet. That's also some that a lot of people don't even know about. Which means your a lot richer than a lot of people in the world.

If your reading this then you can probably see. Which is a pretty cool thing.

If you are reading this then you probably know of your loving Savior Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father. Which is AMAZING. You should be so grateful that you have the opportunity to know-to get to know them.

I saw this newspaper clipping once (I posted it not to long ago on Instagram) and it said things to the effect of : That pile of laundry means you have clothes to wear. Those dirty dishes mean that you have food to put on them. Like how cool is that? Go read it if you need some encouragement.

You may have to look a little harder but if you try you can find lots of things to be grateful for.

Try a be a little more grateful this week!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Love EM.

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