Sunday, December 7, 2014

Decisions Determine Destiny.

Every choice you make will either bring you one step closer or one step (or many) father away from your dreams & your future. We all have dreams and goals that we want to fulfill but in order to do so we must make the right choices. So lets all "Try a little harder to be a little better" {Gordon B. Hinkley} Lets all make some better choices to help us accomplish our goals & dreams in this life.

Thomas S Monson said it the best :"Decisions Determine Destiny."

We made lots & lots of decisions every day. Some big most little. But lets stop & think about ONE situation: You decided to cheat on your math test. So now you need to go tell the teacher, make it right, repent, all that. So you get stressed and worried about how and when to tell her & forget that you have a major English test tomorrow. You cant go to sleep because you so worried. So now you fail you English test. Now your grounded from you iPod so you can't post on your Mormon Instagram account and that one follower that depends on your posts to get through your day & so she has a terrible day!

Do you see where I am going? Just by making the choice to cheat on your math test you failed your English test! Now I'm not trying to say that if you cheat on you math test that you will fail your English test, I'm just trying to point out that one choice could could effect many things & many people.

We never know how that choice will effect us and our future, and WHO it will effect. Sometimes we don't think that our choices will effect other people but they really do.

Stop & think for a moment: If I                     (insert something there. smoking, drinking, cheating, dating this guy...etc) how would that effect my family, friends, relatives, {future}children or spouse, and my eternity? 

So next time you need to make a choice remember that "Decisions Determine Destiny." And that they not only could effect you but they could effect others- some you may not even realize.  Now remember:

 So try a little harder to make better choices. You want to make your Heavenly Father proud don't you?! When you need to make a big one or don't know what do do remember that you can always pray for help. 


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