Thursday, December 25, 2014

12 days of "What Christmas means to you" Day 12

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I doubt you read this Christmas day so let me say, "I hope it was fabulous." Thank you SO much for doing and participating in this. It means a lot and I hope you've learned something and realized the true meaning of Christmas!

I DMed a bunch of  "awesome "famous" mormons" and I only got a couple to respond. One of those happened to be one of my most favorite....{drum roll please} AL FOX CARRAWAY! YES! I know I was quite excited myself! Here is what she said, "Christ lives, still today, right now. That means everything. Life is and we are because of Him. In the first chapter of 3rd Nephi the unbelievers set aside a day that they were going to murder all the believers if the sign of Christ's birth did not appear. They literally needed Christ in order to live. So it is with us. To truly live, we need Christ. Happiness is fleeting and fake without Him."

(I know she posted the exact same thing on her Instagram but I promise that she sent this to me before she posted it.)

Merry Christmas & Thank you for reading!

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