Monday, December 29, 2014


2015 is HERE! I hope you all had a wonderful 2014 and I wish all of you a better 2015!

{I wanted to post this before the new year so you have time think about your goals & resolutions.}

Each new year just like a new beginning should be started with some goals and dreams. We all want each year to be better than last. We all think about things we want to change & make different so lets write them down & get started on the NEW YOU because after all it IS a new year. New year. New you.

The definition of goal according to is
goal: something that you are trying to do or achieve

The definition of resolution also from Merriam-Webster Dictionary
res-o-lu-tion: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. :the act of resolving something :the act of determining 

Make a couple of goals/resolutions. I know sometimes it can be hard to come up with some so here are some you can think & pray about:

  • being more Christlike- choose an attribute to develop better this year.
  • finishing Personal Progress (Post about this coming soon!)
  • read your scriptures daily
  • say more detailed prayers
  • journal more (Post about this too! soon!)
  • read more
  • try harder in school
  • save more money
  • exercise & eat healthier
  • keep room cleaner
  • serve more
  • give more compliments
  • smile more
  • prepare to serve a mission
  • use time more wisely
  • live in the moment

Try hard to achieve them. Set reminders so you won't forget through out the year. Place a list somewhere where you will see it often. Tell your friends and family so they can help you. Do not forget to pray for help. Remember He is always there to help you, and He WANTS to help you.

Remember not to set your self up to fail.  Don't make SO many that you forget or it's overwhelming. Or something super hard that you may not be able to finish. Now I'm not telling you to not set high goals and achieve them. I'm telling you to consider your goals and resolutions before- make sure that you can achieve them and that you want too. Set as many as you feel is possible.

In the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet under Work and Self-Reliance it says:

"Set high goals for yourself, and be willing to work hard to achieve them. Develop self-discipline, and be dependable. Do your best in your Church callings, schoolwork, employment, and other worthwhile pursuits. Young men [and young women] should be willing to do what is needed to be prepared to serve a full-time mission. Heavenly Father has given you gifts and talents and knows what you are capable of achieving. Seek His help and guidance as you work to achieve your goals."

Have a Happy 2015! Can you believe it's almost 2015 because I can't !? Share your resolutions & goals in the comments- I love to hear from you!


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